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Admission Requirements

When applying online for a programme leading to a Bachelor’s degree, please attach the following documents:

  • Passport copy
  • Academic transcript & diploma (minimum overall score of 70% in the final year at high school)
  • English test (IELTS Academic, TOEFL iBT, TOEIC or Cambridge English)
  • CV (guidelines below)
  • Personal Statement (guidelines below)

For Master’s degrees, please submit the following in addition to the above:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 2 years relevant work experience
  • Recommendation letter

Please note:

  • It is still possible to submit an application without all of the above documents.
  • Students must be a minimum of 16 years old at the time of enrolment.

Foundation Programme Entry Requirements (2024-2025)

4 GCSE (grades A* - C or 9 - 4) plus 2 relevant subjects at AS level (with grades A*- C)
4 GCSE (grades A* - C or 9 - 4) plus 2 required subjects at A level (with grades D/E)

Subjects preferably include English and exclude your native language and physical education

Mathematics: subjects need to include Mathematics and level depends on intended Bachelor’s degree:
- Maths at AS or A level: Students progressing to International Business, International Financial Management and Control, Industrial Design Engineering, Process and Food Technology, Applied Computer Science
- Maths at I/GCSE level: All students progressing to other Bachelor’s degrees
This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.

If students graduate with DP courses, an alternative high school diploma including official transcript grade 9-12 needs to be submitted. Or, Career-related Programme Certificate of the International Baccalaureate including supplement 'notification of performance' (final grade list) and course certifates (SL) with minimum overall average score of 4.
BTEC level 3 National extended diploma OR BTEC International level 3 extended diploma
12th Grade graduation certificate with minimum overall average score of 70%
State Matura / Vërtetim Certificate/ Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore
This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
Certificado de Habilitações with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20
Tam Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education) with minimum overall average score of 3.5 out of 5
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignment Secondaire with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20
Bachiller with minimum overall average score of 7.0 or grade 3.5
Attestat - Ատեստատ (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with minimum overall average score of 7.0 or grade 3.5
Higher School Certificate / Queensland Certificate of Education / South Australian Certificate of Education / Qualifications Certificate of Tasmanian Certificate of Education / Victorian Certificate of Education / Western Australian Certificate of Education / ACT Year 12 Certificate / Northern Territory Certificate of Education with minimum overall score of 70% including the ATAR score between 60 and 85 or an OP between 8 and 17. Higher grades may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University's website for further information
Alim Certificate/Higher Secondary Certificate (humanities/sciences/Business studies) with minimum average score of 70%
Attestat with minimum GPA 7.0 (Атэстат aб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі
/ Аттестат об общем среднем образовании / Certificate of completed secondary general education)
Diploma de Bachiller en Humanidades with minimum overall average score of 70%
Certificado de Conclusão de 2º Grau / Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio with a minimum overall average score of 70% on General level

This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
Baccalaureate de l’Enseignement Secondaire
General Certificate of Education with minimum overall average score of 70% (14/20). These diplomas should be submitted to Nuffic for assessment.
High school diploma from an English-speaking province, including Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), Alberta High School Diploma, Manitoba High School Diploma with minimum overall score of 70%.

British Colombia Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma (Dogwood diploma) with at least 5 subjects in grade 12 including mathematics (advanced function) and English and with a minimum overall score of 70%. A total of 80 credits for grades 10, 11, 12 and at least 16 credits in grade 12 subjects is needed.
CXC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate), 5 passes with a minimum overall average score of 70% on General level
Licencia de Ensenanze Mdedia (humanistico/cientifica) with mathematics with minimum overall average score of 70%
Senior middle school graduation certificate (gaozhong) with minimum overall average score of 70% or above.

Online verification via CSSD verification reports from 2023 is requested - Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate or Online Verification Report of Student Record in case student does not have the diploma graduation yet.
Bachiller Academic with minimum overall average score of 70% or C. These diplomas should be submitted to Nuffic for assessment.
Bachiller en educacion media (rama académica) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Certificación Bachillerato, mención general with minimum average grade of 70%
Bachiller en Ciencias/Humanidades with GPA 7.0 or higher
General Secondary Education Certificate / Al Azhar Secondary Education Certificate with minimum overall average score of 70%
Baccalauréat Professionnel / Baccalauréat Technologique with minimum overall average score of 70%. Baccalauréat Général may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
West African Senior (Secondary) School Certificate (WAEC)/Senior Secondary School Certificate. Min 6 subjects with grades A, B or C or A1 t/m C4.
General Education Certificate with minimum overall average score of 70%
West African Senior (Secondary) School Certificate (WAEC)/Senior Secondary School Certificate. Minimum 6 subjects with min average score of B2.
Apolytirio (Eppagelmatikou) Lykeiou / Απολυτηριο (Επαγγελματικού) Λυκειου with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20
Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras with minimum overall average score of 70%
Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras / Bachiller en Ciencias y Humanidades with minimum average grade of 70%
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained from 2024 with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5*, 5** or 'attained' for 5 subjects, including Chinese and English, or

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained before 2024 with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for 5 subjects, including Chinese and English, or

Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) with a 3, 4, 5 or 5* or an A, B, C, D or E for 6 subjects
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of The Hague University of Applied Science. If you have obtained the level equivalent to Dutch pre-university education (called ‘HAVO’ in Dutch) ( and your grades fall below the University's requirements, you may be considered for admission. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Graduation after 2023: Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) with minimum average grade of 7.0 / 70%. Graduation prior to 2023: Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional + Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) with minimum average grade of 7.0 / 70%.

This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
Pre-University Certificate (till 2019) / Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies combined with Pre-University Certificate (till 2019) / Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies (from 2020). Min GPA 14/20, including 14/20 in the required subjects
Secondary School Certificate وثیقة مدرسیة / المرحلة الإعدادیة - (wathîqa madrasiyya / al-marhallaal-i‘dâdiyya) or Baccalaureate Certificate withwith minimum average grade of 70%. These diplomas should be submitted to Nuffic for assessment.
High School Certificate of Graduation (卒業証明書 Sotsugyoshomeisho) with minimum average score of 3.5 out of 5 (70%)
General Secondary Education Certificate with minimum average score of 70%
Attestat with minimum average grade of 3.5 out of 5
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with minimum average score of B+. These diplomas should be submitted to Nuffic for assessment
High School Certificate (general high school) / Korea High School Graduation with minimum overall grade C (according to the 5-level grading system) or a score of 70% overall or overall average rank 6.

CSAT ranks (at least rank 4) may be used in place of Senior High 3 ranks or equivalent subjects may be used in place of Senior High 3 ranks of equivalent subjects if the CSAT rank is higher.

GED: General Equivalency Examination Certificate (GED) applications with minimum average grade required 70% will be considered. Admissions will be based on a case-by-case scenario and it will depend on any other education the students might have followed.
Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë Profesionale with minimum average score of 70%.

The Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
Completion Certificate of Secondary Stage with minimum overall average score of 70%
Or Аттестат о среднем образовании (Attestat o srednjem obrazovanii in Russian) or Жалпы орто билим туралуу аттестат (Zhalpy orto bilim turaluu attestat) with overall minimum average grade of 3.5 out of 5
Baccalaureate with minimum overall average score of 70%
Secondary School Certificate, with minimum average score of 70%
Senior Secondary Graduation Certificate with minimum overall average score of 70%
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia with minimum overall average score of 70%
Bachiller / Bachiller Técnico / Certificado de Bachillerato/ Certificado de terminación de estudios - bachiller técnologico/Bachillerato General with minimum average score of 70%
Attestation du Baccalauréat / Baccalauréat d’Enseignement Technologique et Professionnel (BETP) with with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20
Certificado de Habilitacoes Literarias with minimum average 14 out of 20
The academic diplomas from Myanmar should be send to Nuffic for evaluation.
Namibia Senior Secondary Education Certificate with at least 25 points for the 5 subjects with the highest scores. (First Language English or English as a Second Language)
Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) Certificate with minimum average score of 70% or CGPA 2.8
West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC). Minimum 6 subjects with average score of C4.

Senior School Certificate from the NECO including at least 6 subjects with grade B3 or higher.
General Education Diploma/Certificate For General Education Diploma (senior general secondary education, 2 years) with minimum overall average score of 70%, or
Transcript of Student Attainment in General Education Diploma (كشف درجات الطالب في دبلوم التعليم العام) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Higher Secondary School Certificate with minimum average score of 70% /Intermediate School Certificate with a final result of at least grade B
Bachillerato / Bachiler with minimum average grade of 3.5 out of a maximum of 5
Certificado Oficial de Estudios, minimum average score of 14 of out 20
Diploma/Certificado de qualificação profissional de nivel 3 +
Diploma/Certificado/Certidão do Ensino Secundário, or Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação Certidão de Habilitações with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20
Grade 12/Senior High School Diploma with minimum average score of 70%
Qatar Secondary School Certificate (QSSC) with minimum average score of 70% or
Thanawaya Ama Qatari (School Leaving Certificate) with minimum average score of 70%
Аттестат о cреднем oбщем oбразовании (Attestat o srednem obsjtsjem obrazovanii) with minimum average score of 70%. This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
Rwandan Advanced Certificate of Education with minimum overall average score of 14 out of 20 or 70%
Secondary School graduation certificate (scientific section) / General Secondary Examination Certificate/ shahâdat itmâm al-dirrâsa al-thânawiyya l-`âmma (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education), at least 70% overall grade
West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) issued by the West African Examinations Council, provided that a score of 1-6/A1-C6 has been achieved for at least 6 different subjects (scratch card) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level) with grades A, B or C for 4 different general education subjects, and Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) with a passing grade for at least 2 general education subjects at H2 level (these must be different subjects than the GCE O-Level subjects)
Título de Bachiller with minimum overall average score of 70%
Secondary School Certificate, with at least 70% overall grade
National Senior Certificate (with endorsement), with at least 70% overall grade or National Senior Certificate with at least 70% overall grade obtained after completion of the IEB exams + the remark that the student has met the minimum requirements for admission to bachelor’s degree programmes
General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) in 6 subjects with marks ranging from A-C, and
General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with:
- an Ordinary Pass (S) in at least 3 subjects (General English does not count as 1 of the 3 subjects); and
- a score of at least 30% for the Common General Test.
General Secondary Education Certificate of Baccalaureate الشھادة الثانویة العام ة/ شھادة الدراسة الثانویة العام ة with minimum overall average score of 70%
Senior High School Diploma / Year 12 with minimum overall average school of 70%
Certificate of Secondary Education with an A, B or C for at least 6 subjects, and Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with a principal pass for at least 1 subject. Minimum overall average score of 70%.
Certificate of Secondary Education ("Matayom 6") with minimum overall GPA 2.8
Diplôme du Baccalauréat with minimum average grade of 70%
Lise Diplomasi or Teknik Lisesi Diploması with GPA 3.5 or above (70%)
Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama or Sahadatnama orta bilim hakynda (Certificate of secondary education) with minimum overall average score of 3.5 out of 5
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (General / Religious) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) in 6 subjects with grades 1-6 + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with 1 subject Principal pass (total of 6 different subjects)
Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти -Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity’ (Certificate of full general secondary education) with minimum average score of 70%. This diploma may qualify for direct admission into a 3-year Bachelor programme. Check the University’s website for further information.
High School Diploma (accredited schools only), min GPA 2.75 (grade C+, 77%) with minimum 4 academic subjects/16 credits. Please note that if the students has APs, or honour subjects, these cases will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Akademik Litsey Diplomi/ Attestat, or O’rta ma’lumot to’g’risida shahodatnoma with minimum average score of 3.5 out of 5, or
Kasb-Hunar Kolleji Diplomi (Diploma of professional college) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Titulo de Educacion Media General with a minimum score of 14 out of 20
Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc / Bang Trung Hoc Pho Thong / Bang Tu Tai
/ Baccalaureate / Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung. Min. GPA 7.0. Gifted school with a GPA of 8.0 or more may qualify for direct admission for the 3 yr programme
Secondary School Final Examination Result, or Preparatory School Certificate and General Secondary School Certificate (Al Thanawiya) with minimum overall average score of 70%
Zambia School Certificate / General Certificate of Education with 6 subjects grades 1-6 and average grade 4.
Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education with 5 O-levels subjects scores A-B and 2 Advanced subjects excluding native language (

The Foundation Programmes lead to 3-year Bachelor’s programmes and require the following specific subjects:

  • All Bachelor’s degree programmes require: Maths
  • Alternative subjects: Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, Accounting and Calculus will be considered instead of Maths

English Academic Preparation Programme Entry Requirements (Bachelor's)

Certifikatë të Kualifikimit Profesional / Vërtetim (certificate) / Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore / Maturës Shtetërore Profesionale
Certificado de Habilitações
Attestat / Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
Baccalaureat / Brevet d’Enseignement / Professionel Superieur (BEPS)
Attestat/Certificate of General Secondary Education
ATAR score between 60 and 85 or an OP between 17 and 8.
Higher Secondary Certificate (vocational elements) / Higher Secondary Certificate (Humanities/Sciences/Business Studies) / Alim Certificate
Attestat with minimum GPA 7.0 (Атэстат aб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі / Аттестат об общем среднем образовании / Certificate of completed secondary general education)
Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate, grades of 35% (or 7)
Certificado de Conclusão de 2º Grau / Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio
Baccalaureate de l’Enseignement Secondaire / General Certificate of Education: 4 subjects at O-level grades A,B of C) + 2 subjects at Advanced.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) / High School diploma (from one of the English speaking provinces)
CXC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate), 5 CXC passes at grade 3
Senior middle school graduation certificate (gaozhong)
Bachiller Academico / Bachiller Technólogo
Diplome d'État / Diplôme d'État d'Études Secondaires du Cycle Long
Bachiller en Educacion Media (rama académica)
Bachiler Modalidad General
Bachiller en Ciencias/Humanidades / Bachiller Técnico
General Secondary Education Certificate (shahâdat itmâm al-dirâsa al-thânawiyya al-`âmma) / Al Azhar Secondary Education Certificate (al-shahâda al-thânawiyya al-azhariyya) / Technical Institute Diploma (diblôm al-ma`âhid al-fanniyya)
Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate / Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (min 6 subjects with grades A, B or C)
Baccalauréat Général / Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat Technologique
West African Senior (Secondary) School Certificate (WAEC)/Senior Secondary School Certificate. Min 6 subjects with grades A, B or C or A1 t/m C6.
General Education Certificate
West African Senior (Secondary) School Certificate (WAEC) / Senior Secondary School Certificate. Min 6 subjects with grades A, B or C or A1 t/m C6.
Hongkong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 5 subjects with grades 2 t/m 5, including English and Chinese.
Hongkong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 6 subjects with grades 3 t/m 5 for English and Chinese and grades 2 t/m 5 for Maths and Liberal Studies and 2 other subjects (in total 6 subjects).
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) in 6 subjects with grades 3 t/m 5 or A t/m E .
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) in 6 subjects with grades 3 t/m 5 or A t/m C + Hong Kong Advanced Supplementary Level Examinations (HKASLE) with grades A t/m E.
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) in 6 subjects with grades 3 t/m 5 or A t/m C + Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE) with grades A t/m E.
Standard XII diploma (academic stream): Intermediate Examination Certificate / Higher Secondary School Certificate / Senior Secondary (12th Class) Examination Certificate/All India Senior School Certificate / All India School certificate at 55% or higher and mathematics at 55% or higher
Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional + Ijazah SMA
Pre-University Certificate (till 2019) / Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies combined with Pre-University Certificate (till 2019) / Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies (from 2020) / Associate Degree (kârdânî)
Secondary School Certificate (wathîqa madrasiyya / al-marhallaal-i‘dâdiyya) / Baccalaureate Certificate
Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
High School Certificate of Graduation
General Secondary Education Certificate
Orta bilim turaly attestat / Attestat o srednjem obrazovanii -Аттестат об среднем образовании / Oрта білім туралы аттестат / Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 certificate
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with grades A-C in 6 subjects
High School Certificate (general high school) / Korea High School Graduation Equivalency Examination Certificate
Diplomë per kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë - Profesionale / Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë
Completion Certificate of Secondary Stage
Аттестат о среднем образовании / Attestat o srednjem obrazovanii / Жалпы орто билим туралуу аттестат / Zhalpy orto bilim turaluu attestat
Baccalauréat / Bac II / Baccalauréat Libanais / Baccalauréat General
Secondary School Certificate
Malawi School Certificate of Education with at least 6 grades with scores A, B or C
Bachiller / Bachiller Técnico / Certificado de Bachillerato + Certificado Completo/Certificado de preparatorias / Certificado de Estudios (Prep.tec. multicultural)
Attestation du Baccalauréat / Baccalauréat Technique
Certificado de Habilitacoes
Secondary school certificate not eligible for admission
Namibia Senior Secondary Education Certificate. Min. 25 points for 5 best subjects.
HSEB Certificate (humanities/sciences or management/science)
West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) with grades A-C or A1-C6 in at least 6 subjects / Senior School Certificate (NECO) with grades A1 or B2-3 in 6 subjects
General Secondary Education Certificate
Higher Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate School Certificate with a final result of at least grade C
Bachillerato / Bachiler
Diploma/Certificado de qualificação profissional de nivel 3 + Diploma/Certificado/Certidão do Ensino Secundário
Both Junior High School Diploma and High School Diploma are not eligible for admission
New certificate, QSSC / Thanawaya Ama Qatari (School Leaving Certificate)
Attestat o srednem obsjtsjem obrazovanii / Diplom o srednem professionalnom obrazovanii (second level)
Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education / Professional Certificate of Secondary Education A2 (Diplôme d’Etudes Secondaires Professionnelles A2)
Secondary School graduation certificate (scientific section) / General Secondary Examination Certificate/ shahâdat itmâm al-dirrâsa al-thânawiyya l-`âmma (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education)
Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level in 2 H2 content-based subjects + Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'O' level in 4 subjects (A-C grades) (total of 6 different subjects).
Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level in 3 H2 + 1 H1 content-based vakken + the subject General Paper/ Knowledge and Inquiry (in total 5 different subjects).
Secondary School Certificate
National Senior Certificate (with endorsement)
General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) with 6 subjects with grade A, B or C /.
General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with at least a S for 3 subjects and a score of at least 30% for the Common General Test.
Senior High School Diploma / Senior High School Certificate of Graduation
Certificate of Secondary Education (with at least 6 exam subjects with grades A t/m C) plus het Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with at least 1 subject with principal pass.
Certificate of Secondary Education (with at least 5 subjects with grades A t/m C) plus Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with at least 2 subjects with principal pass and 1 subject with subsidiary pass.
Certificate of Secondary Education (Matayom 6)
Teknik Lisesi Diploması / Lise Diploması
Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama (Certificate of secondary education)
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (General / Religious) of at least 60%
Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) in 6 subjects with grades 1-6 + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with at least 2 subjects Principal pass and 1 subject Subsidiary pass (total 6 different subjects).
Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) in 6 subjects with grades 1-6 + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with 1 subject Principal pass (total of 6 different subjects).
Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) in 6 subjects with result 1-6 + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with at least 2 subjects Principal pass and result A, B of C (total 6 different subjects).
Atestat pro zagal’nu serednyu osvitu / Certificate of completed secondary education (until 2019) / Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти -Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity’ (from 2019) + Dyplom kvalifikovanogo robitnika / Qualified worker Svidotstvo pro bazovu zagal’nu serednyu osvitu (level II)
All applications will be assessed individually
Ўрта маълумот тўғрисида шаҳодатнома / O’rta ma’lumot to’g’risida shahodatnoma / Akademik Litsey Diplomi (Diploma of Academic Lyceum) / Kasb-Hunar Kolleji Diplomi (Diploma of professional college)
Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc / Bang Trung Hoc Pho Thong / Bang Tu Tai/ Baccalaureate / Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung
Secondary School Final Examination Result of at least 70%
Zambia School Certificate / General Certificate of Education with 6 subjects grades A, B or C.
Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level (at least 5 relevant examination subjects with final result A-C) plus the Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advance Level with at least 2 subjects.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences evaluates the academic qualifications for the English Academic Preparation Programme. The university reserves the right to modify these entry requirements in accordance with any new updates or official changes from Nuffic.

The English Academic Preparation Programme leads to 4-year Bachelor’s programmes, or 1-year Master’s programmes.

Additional requirements may apply to applicants from high-risk countries. These might include:

  • An interview
  • Addressing any study gaps
  • Transferring the living fees instead of providing a bank statement, during the visa process

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English Language Entry Requirements



In line with the Code of Conduct, THPC also can accept the following proof of English language ability:

  • Cambridge B2 First (previously First Certificate English- FCE)
  • Cambridge C1 Advanced (previously Cambridge Advanced English – CAE)
  • Cambridge C2 Proficiency (previously Cambridge Proficiency English – CPE)
  • International Baccalaureate English A Language and Literature
  • Students with American High School
  • Students with GCSE or AS/Alevel English Language or Literature
  • Students who studied in an English-speaking country for at least 3 years in a row (UK, Ireland, US, Canada (Except for Quebec), Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or Malta and who have one of these diplomas with English as an exam subject;
  • Students holding one of the diplomas of the exemption list as set by the Code of Conduct committee with English as an exam subject (selected EU countries)

If test centres in your country are closed due to unsafe situations, we can accept the TOEFL iBT Home Edition.

Please note that if your diploma was issued within one of these education systems, but schooling took place in a non-English speaking country, we reserve the right to ask you to submit a language test.

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CV guidelines

What to include: 

  • The course and college you are applying for 
  • Your contact details 
  • A short personal profile (2-3 sentences)
  • Your educational background 
  • Any volunteering or work experience you have (include the organisation’s name and the dates you worked) 
  • Any other achievements, qualifications and skills 
  • Recommended length: 1 page max

What to avoid: 

  • Feeling pressured to have a long CV – we know you are likely only starting your experience

CV example:

Personal Statement guidelines

What to include:

  • The course and college you are applying for 
  • What made you choose the course and why it is right for you 
  • What made you choose the college and why it is right for you 
  • Some examples of experiences or subjects you followed that indicate you are suited for your choice, such as volunteering, competitions or results at school
  • If you are applying after a gap in your academics, explain what you have been doing since you graduated school and why you want to continue your studies
  • Recommended length: 300-500 words 

What to avoid: 

  • Generally talking about university and not addressing your specific motivation for applying to our college 
  • Stories and examples that are very personal, if they do not directly relate to your course or college choice

Personal Statement example:

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